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  The Artists' Guild 1917


Cover of 1917 publication from the Artists' Guild in Chicago   Exterior photo of the 1917 salesrooms and galleries of the Artists' Guild in Chicago


Artists' Guild Index

Artists' Guild History

Arts Club of Chicago

Who's Who -- Directory


A 1917 publication from the Artists' Guild in Chicago (see photo above of the salesrooms and galleries at 408 South Michigan Boulevard) contains several fascinating and valuable elements -- a brief history of The Artists' Guild, a story from the Fine Arts Journal about the formal opening of the Arts Club, and a "Who's Who" directory of members.  Information on many of these lesser-known artisans from the period is scarce.  While the directory is light on biographical data and more of a compendium of awards and memberships, it does provide useful facts about their lives and work.


It also contains illustrated advertisements in the back for various Chicago metalcrafters, including Robert Jarvie, Julius Randahl, lamp shade designer Elizabeth Henson, pewtersmith Lester Vaughan, Emery Todd of the T.C. Shop, the Art Silver Shop's Edmund Boker, George Trautmann, and jewelers Wilhelmina Coultas, Rose Sears Kerr, Christia Reade, James Winn, and Mabel Luther.


The price for this slender volume was 50 cents, which seems a bit steep for a promotional vehicle, but it was published on heavy stock and with embossed covers, and was probably aimed at a moneyed crowd. 



1917 history -- Artists' Guild in Chicago p. 1


1917 history -- Artists' Guild in Chicago p. 2


1917 history -- Artists' Guild in Chicago p. 3

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1917 history -- Arts Club of Chicago p. 1


1917 history -- Arts Club of Chicago p. 2


1917 history -- Arts Club of Chicago p. 3

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Who's Who in The Artists' Guild - 1917


Professional Members are Artists, Architects and Makers of Hand Wrought Objects who have been favorably passed upon by the Executive Committee.


Painters, Sculptors, Etchers and Architects shall pay no Initiation Fee, but shall pay an Annual Due of ten dollars ($10.00).


Makers of Hand Wrought Objects shall pay no Initiation Fee, but shall pay an Annual Due of three dollars ($3.00).


Professional Members of the Arts Club of Chicago in good standing are, through a working agreement between The Club and the Guild, accorded full membership in The Artists' Guild with privileges such as exhibiting for sale the work of such Professional Members in its store and show rooms, and its traveling exhibitions under the same rules and regulations governing members of The Guild.




DAVID ADLER, Architect. Member Chicago AC and AG.

GERDA AHLM, Ldscp.P. and Min.P., Restorer of paintings and miniatures. Born Vesteras, Sweden. Studied at RA. 'of F.A., Stockholm, Colorossi, Paris, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, etc. Exhibited at Stockholm, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Copenhagen, Chicago. Represented in collections of Queen Sophie of Sweden. Member of Swedish A.A., L'Union International des BeauxArts et des Lettres, Nya Idun and Chicago A.G.

ADAM EMORY ALBRIGHT, P. Child Life. Born Monroe, Wisconsin, August 15th, 1862. Pupil of AIC, PAFA. Studied in Munich and Paris. Member of Chicago SA, SWA, WCC, Fellowship PAFA, Chicago AD, AIC, Chicago AG and AC. Awards: Grower Prize, AIC, 1907; Cahn Prize, AIC, 1908. Work, St. Louis C.M., Public Gallery, Richmond, Ind. AWCS

DOROTHY VISJU ANDERSON, P. Born Christiania, Norway. Pupil of W. M. Chase and W. C. Emerson, New York. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at AIC, and important exhibitions throughout the country. Member of Chicago AG and AC of Chicago. CAROL AUS (MRS.), Figure and Port.P. Pupil of LeFevre and Robert Fleury. Studied in Paris, France, and Christiania, Norway. Exhibited in AIC, and NAD. Represented in Fort Wayne Public Library. Member Chicago AC and AG.

ARTHUR E. BAGGS, D. and Potter. Born Alfred, N. Y. Pupil of Charles F. Binns. Studied at N.Y. State College of Ceramics, Alfred, N. Y., ASL, New York. Exhibited at Arts and Crafts Exhib. in Boston, New York, Chicago, Phila., Washington, Baltimore, Detroit, San Francisco, etc. Represented in collections of M. of F.A., Boston. Member of Boston S.A.C. (Master Craftsman), NSC, Chicago AG, N.Y. SCA, AA, ACS. Awards: Hon.Men. BSAC Exh., 1907; Mrs. J. Ogden Armour Prize for Pottery, Chicago, 1915; Hon.Men. Indus. Arts Exhib., Washington, 1916.

MARGARET BAKER, Ldscp.P. and T. Born Cairo, Illinois. Pupil of John Carlson and David Ericson. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at AG, AC of Chicago, Chicago SA, Wisconsin SA, and the St. Paul's Inst. Member of Chicago AG, AC of Chicago, Wisconsin SA.

FRANCES A. BAROTHY, Decorator of China. Born Chicago, Illinois. Studied at Nottingham, England, AIC. Member, Chicago AG.

FREDERIC C. BARTLETT, Figure P., Ldscp. P., Mural P., Still Life and Portrait P., Arch., Dec., T., L. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of Collin, Aman-Jean, Blanche, Whistler. Studied AIC, RA, Munich and Paris. Exhibited at Champs de Mars, Secession, Munich, NA., Corcoran, Carnegie, Pennsylvania A., AIC; represented in collection of Carnegie Inst. AIC, Chic. Mun.AL, Union LC, Murals in City Hall, Univ. Club, U. of Chicago, private collections Mayence, Germany. Member of: Nat.Inst.A.L., Mural Painters' SIA, NAC, Chicago SA, Chicago CDC, Players, University, Chicago, S and CC, AG and AC of Chicago. Awards: Honorable Mention, Carnegie Institute, 1904; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition; Silver Medal, Panama-Pacific Exp.; Cahn Prize AIC.

PAUL BARTLETT, Figure and Landscape Painter. Member of AG and AC of Chicago.

GUSTAVE BAUMANN, P., maker of Block Prints. Exhibited in larger cities of U. S., also in the Salon de Beaux Arts, Paris. Represented in C. of C. collection. Member of Chicago SA, Chicago AG, AC. Awards: Gold Medal at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 1915.

WALTER F. BEACHY, Jeweler and Craft Worker. Member of Chicago AG.

LOUIS BETTS, Port.P. Born Little Rock, Arkansas, October 5, 1873. Pupil of his father, E. D. Betts, Sr. Member ANA 1912, NA 1915, Fellowship PAFA, Salma.C, Chicago AG. Awards: Cresson ($3,000) Scholarship, PAFA 1903, Hon.Men. C.I. Pittsburgh, 1910; Bronze Medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915. Rep. AIC. Chicago SA

JOSEPH P. BIRREN, P. Figure and Por. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil AIC. Studied PAFA, ASL. of New York, Paris and Munich. Exhibited in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia. Represented in collections of ULC. Member of AA of AIC, AC of Chicago, Chicago SA, SIA, Chicago AG.

HARRIET BLACKSTONE, Figure and Port.P., L. and W. Born New Hartford, N.Y. Pupil of Pratt Inst., Bklyn., N.Y., Wm. M. Chase, Jean Paul Laurens and Robert Henri, Paris. Studied in N.Y. and Paris, Academie Julian. Exhibited in Paris Salon, Academy of Design, Carnegie Inst., Corcoran Gallery, PAFA, and AIC. Represented in collections Vincennes AA, Ind., Chicago AG and AC. Member of Chicago SA, American Woman's AA, Paris, Inter. Soc.A.L., Paris, The Little Room, Mun.A.L., The Cordon, Chicago AG and AC. Awards: Fine Arts Building Prize, 1917.

ESTHER BLANKE, Craft Worker, Carver, Designer, Decorator of silk and wood, metal worker and Toy Maker. Born Chicago, Illinois. Studied AIC, and in Munich, Germany, London, England. Exhibited at AIC. Member Cordon Club and Chicago AC and AG.

MARIE E. BLANKE, P, of Flowers, Ldscp. and Still Life, C., D., L, T., Decorator and Embroiderer. Born Chicago, Illinois. Studied AIC, and in Munich, London, Worpswede, Provincetown. Member of Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG.

EDMUND BOKER, Craft Worker, Chaser, Coppersmith, D., Jeweler, Modeler, Silversmith. Born Hungary. Studied at Budapest, Hungary, and in Berlin, Germany. Exhibited in AIC. Member, Chicago AC and AG.

KATE LEE BACON BOND, Min. P., Member of The Artists' Guild

CHARLES E. BOUTWOOD, P. and T. Born in England. Pupil of RA in London. Member: Chicago SA, AG and WCC. Awards: Silver Medal, Chicago SA, 1913.

EVELYN BRIDGE, E. and Min.P. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of Ethel Coe, Frederick F. Fursman, George Senseney and Marian Dunlap Harper. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at Am. WCC. Awards: Silver Medal Chicago SA, 1913. Member Chicago A G.

BOLTON BROWN, P., Lithographer. Born New York, N. Y. Represented in collections of Brooklyn AI, N. Y., Herron AI, Indianapolis. Member: Nat.AC, Societe du Independents, Paris, Chicago AG.

EDITH BROWN, Maker of Paul Revere Pottery. Member Chicago AG, B.S.A.C.

CHARLES FRANCIS BROWNE, Ldscp.P., LL. and W. Born, Natick, Massachusetts, 1859. Pupil of Eakins, Anshutz, Phila., Gerome, Schenck, France. Studied at Boston, Philadelphia, and Paris. Exhibited at Expositions in Paris, 1889-1900, and current exhibits in United States, 1891 to 1917. Represented in collections throughout the country. Member: Chicago SA, Ex-Pres. Of Chicago AG, Ex-Pres., SWA, Dir. Chicago AC. Member, CC and CDC of Chicago.

ERMA G. BUCK, S., D., Decorator of Plaster and Cement. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of Charles Mulligan. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at AIC. Member Chicago AC and AG.

LAWRENCE BUCK, Ldscp.P. and A. Born New Orleans, Louisiana. Member Chicago AC and AG.

MRS. A. W. BURNHAM, Figure, Port. and Min.P., E. and Craftsman. Born Brooklyn, N. Y. Pupil of Chase, Freer, Vanderpoel, Du Mond, Cecilla Beaux, John Johansen, Martha Baker, Lawton Parker, Etching under Ralph Pearson. Member: Chicago ASL, AFA of AIC, Chicago AC and AG.

HUBERT BURNHAM, Architect. Member Chicago AC and AG.

J. SIDNEY BURTON, Carver, Chaser, Coppersmith, D., Metal Worker, Modeler and Silversmith. Born England. Pupil of Fellows, Bristol, EngJand. Exhibited in Boston, New York, New Orleans. Member: N.Y.SC, BSAC, DSAC, Chicago AG and Phila. GAA.

LUCRETIA McMURTRIE BUSH, Jeweler, Master Craftsman. Member of BSAC, DSAC, and Chicago AG, NSC.

EDWARD B. BUTLER, Painter. Born Lewiston, Maine. Member Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG.

MARY BUTLER, P. of Flowers, Ldscp., Marine and Still Life, L.W. Born Philadelphia, Pa. Pupil Chase, Henri, Redfield in America, Courtois, Prinet, Girardot in Paris. Studied at Philadelphia SD for Women, PAFA, Paris Academie Colorossi. Exhibited at PAFA, Carnegie Inst., Pittsburgh, Corcoran, Washington, AIC, St. Louis Inter. Exp., P.P. Exp. and in exhibitions in N. Y., Boston, St. Louis, Buffalo, etc. Represented in collections oŁ PAFA, Westchester Normal School. Member: First Vice-Pres., Fellowship PAFA, AFA, Plastic Club, Buffalo SA, Chicago AG, Am. Fed. A. Awards: Horstman Fellowship, Phila. SD, First Hon.Men. Buffalo, 1913 and 1914.

GEORGE E. BUZZA, Designer, Master Craftsman. Member BSAC, Chicago AG.

SIDNEY T. CALLOWHILL, L, Ceramic Worker. Born Worcester, England. Studied at South Kensington, London. Represented in publication of "Chicadedee and His Friends." Member: Boston SAC, Chicago AG. Awards: Silver Medals from London Inter. Exp.

EDGAR S. CAMERON, Figure, Ldscp. and Mural P., L. and W. Born Ottawa, Illinois. Pupil Chicago AD, ASL, New York. Studied at Julian Academy, Colorossi Academy, Ecole Des Beaux Arts, Ecole Des Arts Decorators. Exhibited at Paris, New York SA, Phila.Soc.AL. Represented in collections of AIC, Chicago Historical S., ULC., Supreme Court Library, Springfield, Arche C. Member: Chicago AC, AG and CDC. Awards: Mun.AL. Prize, Butler Prize, Rosenwald Prize, Clyde Carr Prize.

EDMUND S. CAMPBELL, P.T. Member Pittsburgh AS; N.Y.W CC, Chicago AC and A G.  Ind.SA

LAWRENCE CARVER, Wood Carver. Member BSAC, and Chicago AG.

ALSON SKINNER CLARK, P., L, C., T. Born Chicago. Pupil of Simon, Cottet, Whistler, Mucha and Merson in Paris; Chase in N. Y. Member Paris-American AS; SWA; Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG. Awards: Bronze Medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Cahn Prize, AIC, 1906; Bronze Medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915. Work: Municipal Com. Pur. "The Coffee House," AIC.

VIRGINIA KEEP CLARK, P., I. Born New Orleans, Louisiana. Pupil of Wm. Forsyth, Beckwith, Howard Pyle and W. A. Clark. Member Chicago SA and Chicago AG.

RALPH CLARKSON, Port.P. and T. Born Amesbury, Mass. Pupil of School of Boston Museum; Julian Academy under Lefebvre and Boulanger in Paris. Member: Ass.Nat.AD of N.Y., Chicago SA, Mun.AL of Chicago (Pres.), Chicago AG and AC. Chicago WCC. NYWCC. Port.P

WILLIAM CLUSMANN, Ldscp.P. Born Laporte, Indiana. Pupil of Prof. Benczur and Frederick Keller. Studied at the Royal Academy, Munich. Exhibited at Stuttgart, Germany, Edinburgh, Scotland, World's Fair, Chicago, and other prominent exhibitions. Represented in collections of Arche Club, N. End Woman's C, 19th Century Club, Oak Park, Woman's Club of Evanston. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago WCC, Chicago AG. Awards: Hon.Men. Exhibitions at Stuttgart, 1884; Mrs. William F. Grower Prize, 1913.

ETHEL L. COE, P., Min.P. and I. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of AIC, Charles W. Hawthorne, Provincetown, Mass., and Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida of Madrid, Spain. Member of Chicago AC, SA, ASL, and AG. Represented in the Sioux City Art col. by "LaNina," and many other collections. Instructor at AIC. Award: Traveling American Scholarship, AIC.

JOSEPH ELLIOTT COLBURN, Ldscp. and Garden P. Born Massena, New York. Exhibited at important exhibitions throughout the country. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG.

SARAH RYEL COMER, Ceramics. Born Lowville, N. Y. Exhibited at National Museum, Washington, A.Fed.A, NSC, NAC, AIC, Palace of F.A., San F., Peabody Inst., Baltimore, Boston SAC. Member: BSAC, NSC, Chicago AG, Phila.A.&C, DSA & C. Awards: Master Craftsman.

GRACE D. CONARD, Decorator of Silk and Wood, Basket Maker, D., Embroiderer, Stenciler, T., and L. Pupil of Louis J. Millett. Studied AIC (Graduate Nor. and D. Dept.). Exhibited AIC and Chicago AG. Member: ASL, Chicago AG. Awards: Hon.Men. Chicago AG, 1916, for Embroidery.

GRACE COOPER, P. and I. Born Waverly, Illinois. Studied at Academy of F.A., AIC. Member Chicago AC and AG.

WILHELMINA COULTAS, Ldscp., Port.P., D. and Jeweler. Born Jacksonville, Illinois. Pupil o: J. H. Vanderpoel, Wm. Chase, Frank Duveneck, J. H. Winn, and D. J. Millet. Studied in Chicago, New York, Cincinnati, Ohio. Exhibited in Chicago, New York, Buffalo, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Jacksonville, Ill., and Detroit. Member: Chicago AG, FAC, Cordon C., G. of AA., Buffalo, Little Galleries, N. Y. Awards: Various awards and diplomas.

NANCY COX-McCORMACK, S. Pupil of Willie Betty Newman, Victor Holm, and Charles Mulligan. Studied in St. Louis Sch. of FA and AIC. Exhibited in Nashville Art Museum, AIC, Chicago AC, and PCC of Chicago. Represented in collections of S. C. Scotten, Chicago, and Nashville Art Museum. Member: AIC Alumni, Cordon Club, Chicago AC and AG, and Nashville AC. Awards: Carmack Memorial, Nashville, Tenn., Woodruff Memorial, Joliet, Ill., Wm. H. Mitchel (bust), Trinity Church Altar, Chicago, Ill.

LEONARD CRUNELLE, Sculptor. Born Lens, France, July 8, 1872. Pupil of Lorado Taft and AIC. Member: Chicago SA, CDC and AG of Chicago; State Art Com. Awards: Medal and Diploma, Atlanta Exp., 1895; Special Prize AIC, 1904; Bronze Medal and Diploma, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Mun.AL Prize, AIC, 1911.

CHARLES W. DAHLGREEN, Ldscp.P. and E. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of AIC. Exhibited P.-P. Exp., Salon, Paris, Corcoran Gallery, Pa. A., AIC. Represented in collections of Congressional Library, N. Y. Library, Local Arts. Member: Chicago AG, SA, ASL. Awards: Hon.Men. P.-P. Ex., First Prize ASL. Chicago SA

MRS. FLORENCE DAVIDSON, Ldscp.P. Member Chicago AC and AG.

CECIL CLARK DAVIS, Port.P. Born Chicago. Member Chicago AC and AG.

C. S. DEWEY, P. Member of Chicago AC and AG.

WALLACE L. DE WOLF, P. and E. Born Chicago, Illinois. Exhibited at AIC, Chicago AC, The Ca1.AC, Print Makers of Cal., Springfield AS. Represented in collections of ULC, Springfield Assn. collections of Thomas E. Donnelley, Wm. V. Kelley, James C. Hutchins, Henry Wolf, Keene H. Addington, Ralph H. Ensign and others. Member: Chicago SA, Mun.AL, Friends of Am.A., Chicago AC and AG, The Ca1.AC, Print Makers of Cal., Chicago SE, AIC, Chicago A.Com.

MABEL C. DIBBLE, Ceramic Worker, D., Decorator of China. Born Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Exhibited at World's Fair, Chicago, Paris Exp., Buffalo Pan-Am. Exp., AIC, also in N. Y., Boston, Detroit, Minneapolis. Member: Master Craftsman B SAC, Chicago AG. Awards: Medal and Diploma, World's Fair, Chicago and Paris; Diploma, Buff alo.

EDA L. DIXON, Jeweler and Enameler. Born Evanston, Illinois. Pupil of James H. Winn, Chicago, Alexander Fisher, London. Member: Chicago AG, Detroit SAC, Boston SAC. Awards: Bronze Medal, Boston SAC, 1916; Chicago AG Prize, 1916.

ROSE DOLESE, Leather worker. Member Chicago AG.

FRANK V. DUDLEY, P. Born Delavan, Wisconsin. Pupil of AIC. Represented in AIC collection. Member: Chicago SA, SWA, Chicago WCC, AC and AG. Awards: Butler Pur. Prize ($200), AIC, 1915.  U.I.D.B.A., P.C.C.

KATHERINE DUDLEY, P. Work: "Portrait" purchased by Mun.A. Com. of Chicago. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

EDWARD F. ERTZ, Ldscp. and Figure P., E. and T. Born Canfield, Illinois. Pupil of Lefebvre, Constant and Delance in Paris. Member: Royal S. of British Artists; SA, London; Imperial AL; British WCS; Essex AC; Aberdeen AG; Societe Inter. d' Aquarelliste, Paris; S. des Cinquante; Union Inter. des Beaux-Arts; Chicago SE. Awards: Diploma of Honor, Inter. Exp., Rouen, France; Medal S. des Amis des Arts de la Somme, 1899. Medal, Ville D'Elboeuf, France; two awards, Bristol (Eng.) A. and C.; medal, AAS, Phila., 1902. Member: AG of Chicago. U.A.C.

GERTRUDE ESTABROOK, P. Member Chicago AC and AG.

JESSIE BENTON EVANS, Ldscp.P. Born in Ohio. Pupil of AIC. Member: Chicago SA, AC and AG.  U.I.D.B.A., T.S.R.A.C.

HEMAN H. FIELD (MRS.), Ldscp., Min., Port., Still Life, and Figure P. Born Stoughton, Massachusetts. Pupil of Vanderpoel, Rascovich, and Lawton Parker. Studied and exhibited at AIC, and in Seattle, Washington. Member: Founder of the Seattle FAA, Chicago AC and AG. Awards: Hon.Men. ASL, Chicago; Bronze Medal, Exp. in Seattle.

MARGARET FIELD, P. and Decorator. Studied in Chicago AFA under Carl Werntz, Member Chicago AC and AG.

ALEXIS JEAN FOURNIER, Ldscp. and Mural P., Decorator, L. Born United States. Pupil of Douglas Volk, Jean Paul Laurens, Benjamin Constant, Henri, Harpignies, Julian Academy, Paris. Represented in collections of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Detroit, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Muskegon. Member: Paris American AA, Paris; SWA; CDC of Chicago, Minnesota AL, Chicago AC and AG, Buffalo SA. Awards: Gold and Silver Medals, Minnesota Ind. Exh., Hengerer Prize, Buffalo, N. Y., Hon.Men. 1917, Chicago AG. A.C. Toledo.

GERALD A. FRANK, Ldscp., Port. and Flower P. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of W. J. Reynolds, Walter Ufer, Ambrose Webster and Charles W. Hawthorne. Studied at Academy of FA and AIC. Exhibited at AIC, Provincetown, and Boston. Represented in private collections. Member: Chicago SA, AC and AG, AIC Alumni, Beach Combers' Club of Provincetown and Provincetown AA.

A. A. FRAZEE (MRS.), Ceramic Worker, D. Born New York. Pupil of AIC, Millet, Bessie Bennett and Ralph Johonnatt. Studied AIC. Exhibited at World's Fair, Paris Exp., Buffalo Exp., St. Louis Fair, Denver, New York, P.-P. Exp., AIC, and Chicago AG. Member: Atlan Ceramic C., Chicago Ceramic C., AIC Alumni, Chicago AG, N. Y. S of CA. Awards: World's Fair Medal, Gold Medal given by Arts for America, Burley Prize and Chicago AG Prize.

W. H. FULPER, Ceramic Worker, Modeler, Potter. Exhibited at Pa.Museum, Arch.L. Represented in collections of Pa.Museum, Phila., Pa., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Member: Metro. Museum of Art, N. Y., Boston SAC, NSC of New York, Chicago AG, A and C, Phila., Pa. Awards: P.-P. Int. Exp., 1915, Medal of Honor; Mrs. J. Ogden Armour Prize of AIC, 1914; Master Craftsman by the BSAC, 1917.

FREDERICK F. FURSMAN, P. and T. Born El Paso, Ill. Pupil of AIC, Julian Academy, Paris, and Laurens and Colin. Represented in Inter. Exp. at Rome and exhibits in most important exhibitions. Member: Chicago SA, and Chicago AG. Awards: The Cahn Prize, Exh. of American Artists in 1911. T. SFAA of Milwaukee and Saugatuck SS of P.

W. D. GATES, Designer and Maker of Teco Pottery. Member Chicago AC and AG.

D'ARCY GAW, D. Born Montreal, Canada. Pupil Henry Read, L. J. Millet, Albert Fleury, C. R. Ashbie. Studied in AIC, Camden, England. Exhibited at AIC. Member Chicago AC and AG.

J. C. GEORGE, Maker of Raffia trays and baskets. Member of Chicago AG.

EUGENIE F. GLAMAN, Ldscp. and Animal P. Born Missouri. Pupil AIC, and Simon, Cottet and Fremiel in Paris, Calderon's School of Animal Painting in London. Represented in Chicago Mun. Col. Member: Chicago AG. Awards: Bronze Medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; E. B. Butler Purchase Prize, 1913.

ROBERT W. GRAFTON, Ldscp. and Port.P. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of AIC, Julian Academy, Paris, and studied in Holland and England. Represented in U.L.C., Chicago, Richmond P.A.Gallery, New Orleans AS, Delgado Museum, Lafayette Art Association, and private collections. Member: Chicago SA, PCC, and Chicago AC and AG. Awards: Mary Foulke Prize.

FREDERIC M. GRANT, Ldscp. and Still Life P. Born Iowa. Pupil of William M. Chase, Jonas Lie, Richard Miller, Mucha, Vanderpoel. Studied AIC, Academie Colorossi, Paris, Chase School in Italy, California, and in John Hopkins. Exhibited at SWA, Chicago, Pa. Academy, Corcoran Gallery, Washington, NA, N. Y. Represented in collections of Mun.AL, ULC, and private collections. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AG and AC. Awards: First Prize, ASL, 1914; Fine Arts Building Prize, 1916; William M. Chase Prize in Venice.

LOUIS OSCAR GRIFFITH, Ldscp.P. and Etcher. Born Greencastle, Indiana. Pupil of Frank Reaugh, Dallas, Texas. Studied at School of FA, St. Louis; AIC. Exhibited at P.-P. Inter. Exp., San F., Cal., and in Chicago and Philadelphia. Represented in collections of City of Chicago; Museum, Oakland, Cal.; Delgado Museum, New Orleans, and private collections. Member: Chicago AG, Chicago SE., and Chicago AC. Awards: Bronze Medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., Cal. Chicago SA. P.C.C.

ARTHUR GRINNELL, Carver, Cabinet Maker and Decorator of Wood. Member Chicago AG and BSAC.

OLIVER DENNETT GROVER, P. Born Earlville, Illinois. Pupil of Frank Duveneck in Munich, and Boulanger, Lefebvre and Laurens in Paris. Represented in Branford, Conn., Public Library, Chicago P.L., ULC, Chicago; AIC; St. Louis, Detroit, Cincinnati Museums. Member: Assn. NAD, N.Y., 1913; SWA (Ex-Pres.) Allied Artists of America, Chicago SA (Ex-Pres.) Salma. Club and AG of Chicago. Awards: First Yerkes Prize, Chicago SA, 1892; Silver and Bronze Medals, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Fine Arts Building Prize, Chicago, 1906; Chicago MAL and Fortnightly Prize, 1910; Cahn Prize, AIC, 1913; FAB Prize, SWA, 1914; Silver Medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915. A.N.A. 1913, Mural P.

A. GUTHRIDGE (MRS.), Ldscp.P., L. on Art and Travel-Illustrated slides. Born Laporte, Indiana. Studied AIC. Member: Chicago AC and AG, and AIC.

KRISTOFFER HAGA, Jeweler. Member Chicago AG.

F. R. HARPER, P., Member of The Artists' Guild

MARION DUNLAP HARPER,Min.P. Member Chicago SA, Chicago AG. Awards: First Miniature Prize, Art Students' League. Member Chicago Society of Miniature Painters.

LUCIE HARTRATH, Ldscp.P. Born Boston, Massachusetts. Pupil of AIC, and Courtois and Riven in Paris, also Angelo Janle, Munich. Pupil of Rixens, Paris; Angelo Jank, Munich. Studied at Paris and Munich. Exhibited at Chicago and all large western cities, Philadelphia, Paris, Berlin, and Cologne. Represented in collections of Arche Club, Public School Art Assn. and private collections. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AC, AG and Cordon Club. Awards: Butler Purchase Prize, 1911; Young Fortnightly Prize, 1912; Rosenwald Purchase Prize, 1915; Clyde Carr Prize, 1916.  Chicago WCC. S.W.A.

ELIZABETH HENSON, D. and Maker of Lamp Shades. Born Chicago. Pupil of L. J. Millet and Albert Fleury. Studied and exhibited at AIC. Member: Chicago AG and Cordon Club.

CHARLES A. HERBERT, Ldscp.P., Decorator, Jeweler, Leather Worker. Born Chicago. Pupil of Frederick H. Freer. Studied AIC. Exhibitor at AIC. Member: Chicago AG, PCC of Chicago, ASL of Chicago.

ARTHUR HEUN, Architect. Member of Chicago AC and AG.

DOROTHY HEUERMANN, Beadworker, Bookbinder, Basket Maker, Designer, Dyer, Embroiderer, Lace Maker, Potter, Stenciler, Tatting Maker, Textiles, W. and Weaver. Born Chicago, Illinois. Studied in England, Germany, and Chicago, Ill. Exhibited U. S. and abroad. Member: Chicago AG, Chicago HAS.

MAGDA HEUERMANN, Figure, Flower, Ldscp., Min., Port. and Still Life P., T., W., D., Illuminator, and Restorer. Born Galesburg, Illinois. Pupil of Franz von Lenbach, Wilhelm Duerr, Holoscy, Prof. Roth of Munich and F. H. C. Sammons of Chicago. Exhibited U. S. and abroad. Represented in collection of U. of Ia., Carnegie Library, Joliet, Ill. Member of Chicago AC and AG, Vice-Pres. Chicago S.Min.P., A.Fed.A., Ind. S.A., N. Y., Chicago Press League, Chicago WCC and Cordon Club. Awards: Medals and Diplomas, New Orleans, Phila., Atlanta, and World's Fair Columbian Exp.

CONDE WILSON HICKOK, Ldscp. and Figure P. Student of AIC and under Charles Francis Browne. Member Chicago AC and AG.

MARGARET HITTLE, P., L, E., L., T. Born Victor, Iowa. Pupil of AIC, ASL of New York. Graduated from AIC, Normal 1906, Academic with Frederick Magnus Brand Competitive Prize, 1909. Represented in James R. Doolittle School by three panels, also Lane Technical H. S., Bennett Museum, Garrett Biblical Inst., Evanston, ILL. Member: Chicago AG.

JOHN A. HOLABIRD, Architect. Born 1886. Pupil of M. Roden, Paris. Studied Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Member: Societie des Architectes, Diplomes par le Gouverner, Chicago AC and AG.

WILLIAM HOLABIRD, Architect. Member Chicago AC and AG.

EDWARD HOLSLAG, Ldscp., Marine, Mural and Venetian P., D. Born Buffalo, N. Y., 1870. Pupil of John LaFarge, Walter Shirlaw, AD, N. Y. Studied at Paris, Munich and Rome. Exhibited at Congressional Library, Washington, D. C., AD, N. Y., AIC. Represented in collections of Congressional Library, Washington, D. C., collection of D. B. Allerton, N. Y., Philip Dodge, N. Y. Member: NSMP; Chicago SAC, AC and AG, PCC, A.Fed.A. Awards: Traveling Scholarship by Jones E. Scrippa of Detroit, Mich.

ELIZABETH T. HOLSMAN, Figure, Ldscp., Mural and Port.P. Born Brownville, Neb. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Lincoln, and Milwaukee. Represented in collections of Tarkio College, Missouri, Kearney S.N., Omaha FAS. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG, Chicago CC, Am.Fed.A. Awards: Silver Medal, 1916, St. Paul, Artists of the NW.

MINNA HOSKINS, Port.P., Mural P., I. Pupil of W. D. Goldbeck and Chicago A.F.A. Exhibited at AIC and Chicago SA. Member of Cordon Club, Chicago CC, Chicago AC and AG.

JARVIS HUNT, Architect. Member of Chicago AC and AG.

RUDOLPH F. INGERLE, Ldscp.P. Born Vienna, Austria, 1879. Studied at Smith's Academy, AIC, and Fine Arts Academy. Exhibited in Chicago, Phila., Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, etc. Member: Chicago SA, SWA, PCC of Chicago, Bohemian AC, Chicago AC and AG, Int. Beaux Arts Club, 1906, and Chicago WCC. Awards: Associate Prize, PCC, 1914.

WILSON IRVINE, Ldscp.P. Born Byron, Illinois, February 28, 1869. Pupil of AIC. Represented in AIC and Mun.AL Purchase, 1911. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago WCC, CDC, AC and AG of Chicago, SWA, PCC of Chicago, Allied AA. Awards: Cahn Prize ($100), AIC, 1912; Carr Prize ($100), AIC, 1915; Silver Medal, P.-P. Exp., San F. Exp., 1915.

P. D. V. JAMIESON, Ldscp.P. Member Chicago AG.

ALFRED JANSSON, Ldscp.P. Born Sweden, 1863. Studied in Stockholm and Paris. Exhibited in AIC, PAFA. Member: PCC of Chicago, Chicago SA, AC and AG. Awards: Third Prize, Swedish AA, 1911; AIC; Clyde Carr Prize, 1914; First Prize SA.

ROBERT R. JARVIE, Silversmith, Chaser, Coppersmith, Designer, Iron Worker and Weaver. Studied in AIC, Pupil of Ryder. Exhibited in Chicago, New York, Boston, Buffalo, Phila., Minneapolis, St. Louis, and San Francisco. Member: CDC and Chicago AC and AG. Awards: Exhibition of Applied Arts, Chicago, 1913; First Prize for most original designs and best display of silver; 1916, First Prize for finest display of weavings.

CARL H. JOHANNOT, Carver, Chaser, Coppersmith, Designer, Jeweler, Silversmith. Born Syracuse, N. Y., 1886. Pupil of Carl Hammon. Studied Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904 to 1908. Exhibited at P.-P. Exp. in San F., Society of AC, Boston, Nat.SC, ACG, Phila. Member: NSC, N. Y., Phila. ACG, Chicago AG. Awards: Pratt Inst. Prize for jewelry, 1908.

C. EVERETT JOHNSON, P. and I. Born 1866. Pupil of Richard Miller. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at Societe des Artists, Francaise, 1908-1909, in Paris. Member: AG and AC of Chicago.

ISABEL JONES, Ldscp. and Flower P. Pupil of Woodbury and W. M. Chase. Exhibited in important exhibitions. Member of Chicago AC and AG.

ALFRED JUERGENS, Ldscp.P. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of Chicago AD, Munich RA under Gysis and Diez. Studied RA of Munich. Exhibited leading exhibitions of Europe and U. S. Represented in collections of Munich, Municipal AL, CDC and private collections. Member: Munich AA, Society Inter. des Beaux Arts, Paris. Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG, CDC of Chicago. Awards: Munich RA Prize, Prize AIC, 1914; Medal, Panama Inter. Exp., San F., 1915.

CHARLES B. KEELER, Ldscp. and Marine P., E. and Photographer. Born Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Studied at Boston, Chicago (AIC) and in Europe. Exhibited in Chicago, Washington, Pa. AFA, Brooklyn, Phila., St. Paul, P.-P. Exp., Yonkers, N. Y. Awards: Silver Medal, St. Paul, for Etchings; Hon. Men. P.-P. Exp.; several bronze medals and other awards. Member: Chicago AC and A G.

E. P. KELLOGG, P., L, T. Born Chicago, 1879. Pupil of Freer, Duveneck, Chase and Albert Herter. Member: Designers Alumni of AIC. Chicago AC and AG.

LAWRENCE KENNEDY, Designer, Maker of Book Plates and I. Member of Chicago AG. Awards: Mun.AL Prize, 1916, AIC Competitive Prize. Chicago CDC

ROSE SEARS KERR, Designer and Maker of Jewelry, Metal Worker, T. Born Staten Island, New York. Pupil of Pratt Inst., Arthur Williams, Boston, Wilhelmina Stephan, Cleveland. Exhibited at Pratt Inst. and AIC. Awards: Bronze Medal, Pratt Inst., 1911. Member AG, Chicago.

A. F. KLEIMINGER, Figure, Ldscp., Port. and Still Life P., Decorator, E. and T. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of Vanderpoel, Henri Martin. Studied in AIC, Munich and Paris. Exhibited in Munich, Paris, and through the West and N.E. Member: Chicago SA, and Chicago AG.

MATILDA KLEMM, P. and Designer. Member of Chicago AG.

SARAH F. KLINE, Ldscp.P. Born Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Studied AIC (Graduate) and with Charles Hawthorne. Member of Chicago AG.

IRMA KOHN, P. Born Rock Island, ILL. Pupil of Charles Francis Browne and John Johansen in Chicago, and Birge Harrison. Member Chicago ASL and Chicago AC, and AG. CARL R. KRAFFT, Ldscp. and Figure P., T. Born Reading, Ohio, 1884. Pupil of Wellington J. Reynolds and Frank Walcott. Studied at AIC and AFA. Exhibited in AIC, PCC of Chicago. Member: Chicago SA, PCC, Chicago AG, AC, and the School of Ozark Painters. Award: Englewood Prize, AIC, 1915.

DULAH EVANS KREHBIEL, P. and I. Pupil of AIC and W. Appleton Clark. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

CLARA JOSEPHINE KRETZINGER, Figure and Port.P. Born Chicago. Pupil of AIC, Chicago AFA, under W. J. Reynolds and W. P. Henderson, Julian Academy, Paris, under Jules Lefebvre, Tony-Fleury and Jean Paul Laurens, and T. R. Congdon, Richard Miller and Lawton Parker. Studied in AIC, Chicago AFA and Julian Academy, Paris. Exhibited in Salon des Artists, Francais, Walker Gallery, Liverpool, RA, London, AIC, Nat.A. New York, Corcoran, Pa.AFA., Carnegie Inst., Pittsburgh, Herron, Indianapolis, P.-P. Exp. Represented in collections of Beloit Art Gallery. Member of Chicago AC and AG, Young Fortnightly Club, A.FedA., Chicago SA, Cordon Club, Union Inter. des Beaux Arts et des Lettres. Awards: Hon.Men., Salon des Artists, Francais.

MARGUERITE KREUTZBERG, Ldscp. and Port.P. Born, 1880. Pupil of Wm. P. Henderson. Exhibited at AIC, Chicago AC, and PAFA. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

JESSIE P. LACEY, Figure and Port.P., T. in AIC. Born Charlotte, Michigan. Pupil of AIC, Lefebvre, Fleury, Merson, and Lasar. Studied in Paris and Munich. Exhibited in Paris Salon, New York, Washington, St. Louis, and Chicago. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

SYLVANUS E. LAMPREY, Silversmith. Born Concord, New Hampshire, December 10, 1860. Pupil of Wm. B. Durgin. Member Chicago AG.

CHARLES B. LANSING, Maker of Van Briggle Pottery. Exhibited in Paris Salon, 1903-1904. Awards: Diploma and Gold Medals at Lewis and Clark Exp., Highest Awards Boston AC, 1906. Two Gold, One Silver, Two Bronze Medals at St. Louis Exp. Member: Chicago AG.

FLORA LAUTER, Ldscp. and Port.P. Born New York. Studied under Henri, Chase and Mora in New York. Member: Woman's Inter.AC, London, Chicago AG and AC, Soc. Women P., A.Fed.A. W.I.A.C. London.

CHESTER LEICH, P. and E. Born Evansville, Indiana, January 31, 1889. Studied in Munich, Florence, Berlin, and Hamburg. Exhibited in Hamburg, Brooklyn, N. Y., Philadelphia, and special exhibition of drawings and etchings AIC. Member: Chicago SE and Chicago AG, Ind. SA.           '

BEATRICE S. LEVY, P. and E. Born Chicago, Illinois. Pupil of AIC, Bontech Pressig, Charles Hawthorne and Ralph Clarkson. Exhibited in AIC, P.-P. Exp., PAFA, NAC and other galleries throughout the country. Represented in collections of AIC. Member: Chicago SE, Chicago AC and AG. Awards: Hon.Men. for Etchings, P.-P. Exp., 1915.

PHILIP LITTLE, Ldscp.P. and E. Born Swampscott, Massachusetts, September 6, 1857. Studied at Boston Museum of FA. Exhibited in U. S., Paris, Munich, Rome, S. A., and Halifax. Represented in collections of PAFA, Portland Memorial Museum, Walker Memorial Museum, Bowdoin College, Minneapolis AI, Milwaukee AS, Nashville AS, Essex Inst., Salem, Mass., Dubuque AS, City Art Museum, St. Louis, also in loan collection, Boston Art Museum, and many private collections. Member: Curator of Art, Essex Inst., Salem, Vice-Pres. BAC, Life Member, Portland SA, Boston GA, Chicago AG and AC, Salma. C. and Lotus C., N. Y., Chicago SE, Boston SE, Nat.AC. Awards: Hon.Men. Chicago, 1912; Silver Medal, P.-P. Exp., 1916.

MABEL LUTHER, Metal and Enamel Worker. Pupil of Laurens, Harvey Martin. Studied in Providence, R. I. Exhibited in Boston, Chicago, Phila., New York, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Pasadena, and many other cities. Member: BSAC (Master Craftsman), ACG of Phila., Chicago AG.

ANNA LYNCH, Min.P. and Port.P. Born Elgin, Illinois. Pupil of Vanderpoel, Bougereau, and Mme. De Billemont. Studied in AIC and in Paris. Exhibited in Chicago, New York, Phila., Boston, St. Louis, San Francisco, Paris, and London. Represented in collections of Chicago C. H. and Memorial Hall. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AC and AG, AS.Min.P., Cordon Club. Awards: AC.Min. Prize, 1917, P.-P. Exp., Bronze Medal.  Chicago WCC. Chicago S.Min.P., Paris Women's AAA

CARL MARCH, P. Member Chicago AG.

ANN MARTIN, Min.P. Member Chicago AC and AG.

ISABEL MATTIA.  P. T. and Decorator.  Exhibited in Chicago, New York, Paris, Boston.  Member: Chicago AC, AG, and AIC.

LAURA MATTOON, Textiles, T. Ceramics. Studied in Chicago AFA, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., and with Carl Johannot. Exhibited in all important exhibitions throughout the country. Member: Chicago AG. Awards: Special Mention P.-P. Exp. Fine Arts Building Prize, 1917.

AUGUSTA B. McCARN, Designer, Leather and Metal Worker. Studied in AIC. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

MARGARET McCLELLAN, Ceramic worker. Member Chicago AG.

MRS. ROBERT R. McCORMICK, P. Pupil of William P. Henderson, Lawton Parker, W. Goldbeck. Studied in AFA. Exhibited in AIC. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

JOHN T. McCUTCHEON, Cartoonist and W. Born near South Raub, Indiana, May 6, 1870. Pupil of Ernest Knaufft in New York. Member Chicago AC and AG, Society of Illustrators, N. Y., on staff Chicago Tribune since 1903; correspondent during Spanish War. Author "Stories of Filipino Warfare," "Bird Center Cartoons," etc.

MRS. ROBERT G. McGANN, Port.P. and Ldscp.P. Pres. Chicago AC and Director Chicago AG.

HELEN McNEAL, Beadworker, Basket Maker, Carver, Designer, Embroiderer, Jeweler, Leather Worker, Modeler, Potter, Pyrographer, Silversmith, Stenciler, and Textile. Born Chicago, Illinois. Studied in AIC, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Exhibited AIC. Member: AIC and Chicago AG. Awards: Gold Medal, Pratt Inst.

JESSIE H. McNICOL, D. Illuminator. Born Sherbrooke, Canada. Pupil of Miss Amy Sacker. Member: Chicago AG, BSAC.

O. IRWIN MEYERS, P. of Indians. Exhibited at AIC. Member of Chicago AC and AG and AIC Alumni Ass'n.

MATILDA MIDDLETON, Ceramics. Member of Chicago AG.

ROYAL HILL MILLESON, Ldscp.P. and W. Born Batavia, Ohio. Pupil of Smith Acad., Chicago. Exhibited in AIC and Chicago AG. Represented in private collections throughout U. S. and abroad. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AG and Boston AC.

ANNA B. MORRISON, Bookbinder, Metal Worker and D. Born Kalamazoo, Michigan. Pupil of Jules Dumont, Paris, Charles McLiesh, London. Studied AIC, Royal College of Art, South Kensington, London. Exhibited at NSC, AIC. Member: Chicago AG and NSC.

VIRGINIA NEWCOMB, P., E. and I. Studied in AIC. Member Cordon Club and Chicago AC and AG.

PETER NIELSON, Ldscp.P., Mural and Flower P., Decorator. Born Denmark. Studied AIC. Exhibited in AIC. Member Chicago AG and AC.

JUNE NORCROSS, Port.P., D. Pupil of Eric Pape and Robert Henri. Studied Eric Pape School of Art, Boston Art Museum, N. Y. School of Art, and ASL of New York. Member AG. N.S.A.C.N.Y.

MAUDE I. G. OLIVER, P. and W. Member of Chicago AC and AG.

EDWIN W. OTTIE, Master Craftsman, Ship Modeler. Member BSAC and Chicago AG.

PAULINE PALMER, Ldscp., Figure, Port. and Still Life P., L. Born, McHenry, ILL. Pupil of AIC, Raphael Collin, Prinet, Courtois and Simone, in Paris, Richard Miller and Charles Hawthorne. Exhibited in Paris Salon, 1903, 1905, 1906-1911, Omaha Exp., St. Louis World's Fair, P.P.Exp., Chicago, Phila., Pittsburgh, Pa., Washington, and all important exhibitions. Represented in collections of West End Woman's Club, Arche C., AIC, Nike Club, Muncie Ind.AA, Klio Ass., Mun.AL., Chicago Mun.C., private collections of Mr. Frank Logan, Mr. E. B. Butler, Mr. Stillwell, and Mme. SchumannHeink. Member: (Dir.) of Chicago SA, Chicago AG and AC, Cordon Club, Chicago Woman's C., Hon.member Lake View Woman's C., Mun.AL, and Alumni Ass. of AIC. Awards: Bronze Medal St. Louis World's Fair, Marshall Field Prize, 1907, Young Fortnightly Prize 1907, Wm. O. Thompson Port.Prize, AIC, 1914, Participant in Fine Arts Prize, SWA 1915, Hon. Men. 1915 Chicago AG, Hon.Men. American Painter Exh., AIC, 1916. Julius Rosenwald Purchase Prize, 1916.

DR. LAWTON S. PARKER, E.A.D., Port.P. Educated at "Ecole des Beaux Arts," Paris, Degree of Doctor of F.A. by U. of Nebraska. Pupil of Gerome, Laurens, Constant, Besnard and Whistler in Paris. Professor of St. Paul Sch. of FA, 1892. Director of Art, Beloit College, 1893. Pres. N.Y. Sch. of Art, 1898-1899. Dir. Parker Academy, Paris, 1900. Non-Res. Prof. of Painting AIC, 1902. Pres. Chicago AFA, 1903. Member: CDC of Chicago, Little Room, Casino Club, Chicago AG and AC. Awards: John Armstrong Chaloner, five-year European Scholarship, 1896. Hon.Men. Salon, Paris, 1900. Third Medal Salon, Paris, 1902. Silver Medal; St. Louis Expo. 1904. Gold Medal, Exp. Munich 1905. Hon.Men. Carnegie Inst. 1907. Medal, Chicago SA, 1908, Cahn Prize, AIC, 1908. Gold Medal, Salon Paris, 1913, Medal of Honor, P.-P.Exp. 1915, Altma $1000 Prize, NAD. 1916.

FRANK M. PEBBLES, Ldscp. and Port.P. Born, Weathersfield, N. Y., 1839. Pupil of Geo. P. A. Healey, Edwin White, and A. W. Best. Studied NA, New York, and Chicago AD. Exhibited AIC, Chicago AD, San F. Fair and Oakland Fair, Crocker Gallery, Sacramento, Cal. Represented in collections of diplomatic room, Washington, D. C., by Portrait of Secretary of State, Crocker Galleries LO. of Foresters, Toronto, Canada, in the collection of the Emperor of Japan, Washington Lee University, Va., State Capitals of California, Missouri, Oregon, Nevada and Illinois.  Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AG and AC. Awards: Bronze medal Mechanics' Fair, San F., Cal.

IDA A. PETERSON, Figure, Flower, Ldscp., Port. and Still Life P. Born, Iowa. Pupil of Frank Duveneck, J. H. Vanderpoel, F. W. Freer, Chas. Francis Browne, J. C. Johansen, Richard Miller and others. Studied at AIC, Cincinnati AC, Colorossi and Julian Schools of Paris. Member of AG of Chicago, ASL of AIC.

Frank C. PEYRAUD, Ldscp. and Mural P. Born, June 1, 1858, Bulle, Switzerland. Studied in College of Fribourg, Switzerland, Ecole de Beaux Arts, Paris, AIC. Exhibited in Chicago, Phila., Washington, Pittsburgh, San F. Represented in collections of ULC, Chicago, AIC, Chicago Mun.C. Member: Chicago WCC, SWA, Chicago AG and AC of Chicago, CDC of Chicago. Awards: Fortnightly Prize, Chicago SA, 1899; Mun.AL Prize, Chicago, 1912; Edward Butler Prize, Chicago SA, 1912; Medal, Hon.Men. AIC, 1912; Clyde M. Carr Prize, Chicago SA, 1913; William Frederick Grower Prize, 1914; Bronze Medal P.-P. Ex., San Francisco, 1915. Chicago SA. C.A.D.

ALLEN E. PHILBRICK, Ldscp., Port. P. and T. Born, Utica, N.Y. Pupil AIC, Laurens and Colorossi Academy in Paris. Represented in collection at Waiting Room of the Juvenile Court, Chicago, and in Peoples' Savings Bank, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Member: Chicago SA, Chicago AG and AC. Chicago CDC.  Chicago WCC

STACEY PHILBRICK, Architect. Member: Chicago AC and AG.

HARRIET PHILLIPS, P. and S. Born, Rome, N. Y. Pupil of Fehr in Munich, Simon in Paris. Member Kunstlerinen Verein, Munich (Honorary); member NAC; NSC; S. Women P., A.Fed.A., Chicago AG., P.B.C.

ABRAM POOLE, Port.P., Figure and Ldscp. P. Born in Chicago. Represented in Chicago Mun.AC. Member: Chicago AC, AG, and AIC.

JEANNETTE. PRATT, Chaser, Designer, Jeweler, L. and W. Born Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Studied Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Member Chicago AC, AG, and The Cordon Club.

JESSIE M. PRESTON, Chaser, Coppersmith, Designer, Jeweler, Metal worker, Modeler and Silversmith. Born, Oak Park, ILL. Pupil of AIC. Exhibited in AIC, BSAC, New Orleans, Minneapolis, St. Paul, P.P. Exp., St. Louis, Knoxville, etc. Member: Chicago AG and AC and Cordon Club. Awards: P.P.-Exp. Medal; Medal Conservation Exhibition, Knoxville, Tenn., medal Exhibition in Waco, Texas.

EUGENIE PRICE, Port.P. and Min.P. Exhibits in AIC and other exhibitions. Member Chicago AC and AG.

J. O. RANDAHL, Silversmith. Member: Buffalo GAA, Chicago AG.

GRACE RAVLIN, P. Born in Kaneville, Ill. Pupil of AIC; PAFA under Chase. Represented in collection of AIC. Member: A.G. and A.C., ASL of Chicago. Awards: Silver medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915. Represented in AIC.

CHRISTIA M. READE, Jeweler, metal worker and designer. Member of Chicago A.G.

EARL H. REED, E. Born, Geneva, Ill., July 5, 1863. Self-taught. Represented in collection of Toledo Museum of Art, Cedar Rapids Art Assn. Member: Chicago SA, SWA, and Chicago AC and AG.

JOSEPHINE REICHMANN, Ldscp.P., Port. P. and Still Life P. Born, Louisville, Ky. Studied at AIC and under Charles Francis Browne, Chas. W. Hawthorne, and ASL of New York. Exhibited in Chicago SA, AIC, AWCS. Member: Chicago AG and AC.

MARY REID, P. Member of Chicago AC and AG.

LOUIS RITMAN, P. Born, Chicago. Pupil of Robert-Fleury, Corcomio De Chenaud in Paris. Member: Chicago A.G. Awards: Fine Arts Building Prize, 1914. Silver medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915.

H. LEON ROECKER, Animal, Figure and Ldscp.P., Designer and carver of frames. Born Burlington, Iowa. Pupil of Royal Academy of F.A., Munich, Bavaria. Represented in U. of Tenn., private collections, and Chic.MAC. Member: Director of Chicago SA, CDC of Chicago, AG' and AC of Chicago. Awards: Hon.Men. Munich, 1888, 1889. Charles Yerkes Prize for Ldscp., 1894. Arche C. Prize for Ldscp., 1897. Medal of Honor, Chicago SA, 1909; Clyde M. Carr Prize for best Ldscp., 1911; AG of Chicago Prize, 1916.

HOPEWELL ROGERS (MRS.), Mural P. Born, Illinois. Pupil of Wm. P. Henderson, John W. Norton and Lawton Parker. Exhibited at AIC. Member of AC and AG of Chicago.

MARGARET ROGERS, Jeweler. Born, Boston, Mass. Studied at Mass. N.A.S., B.S.A.C., AIC, Boston M. of F.A., National Museum Washington, D. C., Albright Gallery, Buffalo. Represented in collections of Chicago AG. Member of Chicago AG. Awards: Medal B.S.A.C., Arthur Heun Prize, AIC and Chicago AG.

JULIUS ROLSHOVEN, P.T. Born Detroit, Oct. 28, 1858. Pupil of Cooper Union, N.Y., Hugo Crola at Dusseldorf; Loefftz in Munich, Frank Duveneck in Florence, Robert Fleury in Paris. Member: Soc. Nat. des Beaux Arts, Paris; SWA; Secession, Munich; Detroit F.A. Soc. (hon.), AG of Chicago. Awards: Second class medal, Paris Exp., 1889; Hon.Men., Paris Exp., 1900; bronze medal, Pan-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901; medals, Munich, Berlin, Brussels, and Chicago; silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904.

BIRGER SANDZEN, P.T.W.L. Born Bildsberg, Sweden, Feb. 5, 1871. Pupil of Stockholm Art School under Zorn and Bergh; Aman-Jean in Paris; came to U. S. in 1894. Prof. of aesthetics and painting, Bethany College since 1894. Member: Chicago AG.

WALTER SARGENT, P. Born Worcester, Mass., May 7, 1868. Pupil of Colorossi and Delecluse academies, Lhermitte and Delance in Paris. Member: Copley S. 1896; Paris AAA; SWA; Chicago SA. Prof. of Fine and Ind. Arts, College of Education, Chicago Univ., AG of Chicago.

A. H. SCHMIDT, P. Born Chicago, Nov. 29, 1883. Pupil of AIC under Charles Francis Browne, Julian Academy, and Henri Martin in Paris. Member: Chicago SA, AG., AC. Awards: Hon. mention SWA, 1913. Englewood Woman's Club Prize, AIC, 1914.

FLORA I. SCHOENFELD, P. Member C.S.A., SWA (Assoc.) Chicago WCC, Chicago AC, and AG.

KATHERINE H. SCOTT, Port. and Min. P. Born Burlington, Iowa. Pupil of John H. Vanderpoel and William M. Chase. Studied at AIC under John H. Vanderpoel, Frederick W. Freer, Frank Duveneck, Albert Herter and Henry Hubble. Exhibited at AIC with ASL, Chicago SA, Am.W.C.C., Pastel and Min. Painters C., St. Louis Exp., Portland Museum, with Exhib. of Min.P., California, Fed. of W.C., Fresno, Calif., and Honolulu, T.H. Represented in collections of Min. in AG of Chicago, Oil Port. of Des Moines county judges in Des Moines Co. CH., Burlington, Iowa. Member of AG of Chicago, AIC, ASL of Chicago and W. Drawing and Man. Training Ass.

GEO. J. SEIDENECK, P. Born Chicago, Ill. Pupil of Walter Thoe, and Carl von Marr. Studied at Munich RA, AIC, Smith's Art Academy, Chicago. Exhibited in Kunstverein of Munich, AIC. Member of P.&C.C., AC and AG of Chicago, Players Workshop.

ELMER SENIOR, Silversmith. Born Dover, N. H. Studied 14 years as commercial silversmith and four years as craftsman silversmith. Member of: BSAC, DSAC, Cincinnati The Crafters Co., Buffalo Allied Arts Inc., Baltimore The Handcrafts C., Philadelphia A and C, Chicago AG.

J. H. SHARP, P., I, T. Born Bridgeport, O., Sept. 27, 1859. Pupil of RA in Munich under Marr; Julian Acad. in Paris under Laurens and Benjamin-Constant; Verlat in Antwerp, Duveneck in Spain. Specialty Types of Indians. Member: SWA; Cincinnati AC; Calif. AC; Salma.C., Chicago AG. Ten years on faculty Cincinnati AA. Awards: Silver medal, Dept. of Ethnology Pan-Am.Exp., Buffalo, 1901; first portrait prize, Cincinnati AC 1901.

E. W. SHERIDAN, P. and Decorator. Member Chicago AC and AG.

ADA WALTER SHULZ, Figure P. Born Terre Haute, Ind. Pupil of John H. Vanderpoel, Oliver D. Grover, Chicago, and Merson, Collin, Ami Morot, Paris. Studied at AIC, Academie Vitti, Paris. Exhibited Chicago and other middle west cities. Represented in collections of Milwaukee Art. Inst. by picture "Motherhood" and AIC by "Mother and Child" which was awarded M.A.L. Purchase Prize, 1917. Member of Chicago SA, AG and AC, Wisconsin Soc. Paint. & Sculpt., Cordon Club. Awards: Mun.A.L.Purchase Prize, 1917.

ADOLPH R. SHULZ, Ldscp. P. Born, Delavan, Wisconsin. Pupil of AIC, ASL of New York, Academie Julian, Paris, under Le febvre, Constant and Laurens, and at Academie Colorossi, Paris. Member: Chicago SA, Wisconsin Soc. Paint and Sculpt., AC and AG of Chicago. Awards: Young Fortnightly Prize 1900, Frederick W. Grower Prize, 1908, Mun.A.L.Purchase Prize 1904.

HELEN B. SLUTZ, P. Member The Arts Club of Chicago and The Artists' Guild of Chicago.

GERTRUDE SPALLER, LMural and Port.P. Born, Chicago, Ill. Studied at AIC. Exhibited at Chicago SA., AWCC, Arch. Represented in collections of P.-P.Exp., three panels, Elm Pl. School, Highland Park, two panels. Member: AC and AG of Chicago. Awards: Mun. AL Prize for Murals, AIC, 1916.

ANNA STACEY, P. Born, Glasgow, Missouri. Pupil of AIC. Exhibited-Academy N. Y., Philadelphia, Corcoran, St. Louis Ex. and San F. Exp. and at AIC. Represented in collections of Mun. AL, City Com., U.L., Kenwood, Arche, Woman's C., Woman's Aid. Member of Chicago SA, Cordon and AC and A.G. of Chicago. Awards: Fortnightly Prize, AIC, 1902, Martin Cahn Prize, AIC, 1902, Marshall Field Prize, 1907, Clyde Carr Prize, 1911.

JOHN F. STACEY, P. Born, Biddeford, Maine. Pupil of State Normal Art School, Boston, and Julian Academie, Paris. Exhibited at Annual Ex. at Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and national expositions. Represented in collections of Fine Arts Acad., Santiago, Chili, Herron A.L, Indianapolis, U.L.C. and C.A.C. Member of Chicago SA, CDC, AC and A.G. of Chicago. Awards: Frederick Grower Prize, 1910; Bronze Medal St. Louis Ex. 1904; Bronze Medal, Buenos Aires Ex. 1910.

CHRISTINE STEEN, Toy Maker and Weaver. Exhibited Dublin, London, and Australia. Member AG of Chicago.

ANTONIN STERBA, P. and Port. P. Born, Hermanes, Moravia. Pupil of Constant and Laurens. Studied at AIC, and Paris. Exhibited at American exhibitions. Member: Chicago SA, AC and AG, Bohemian AC., CDC of Chicago, on Faculty of AIC.

EDA STERCHI, F.Ldscp. and Port.P. Born Olney, ILL. Pupil of AIC, Lucian Simon, Rene Menard Prinet and Deballiere, in France. Studied Paris four years. Exhibited at Chicago and Paris Exhibitions. Represented in collections of Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, Girls' Club, Paris. Member Chicago SA, AC and AG.

J. ALLEN ST. JOHN, P. I. Born Chicago, Oct. 1, 1872. Pupil of ASL of N.Y. under Mowbray, Beckwith and Du Mond. Member: SWA (Assoc.), Chicago SA., Chicago AG. and A.C., Sa1ma.C.

W. O. SWETT, JR., Ldscp. P. Born Worcester, Mass. Pupil of Whistler, H.G. Dearth; studied in Munich, Paris, Belgium, and Holland. Member: Salma.C. 1903, Chicago AG.

ALLAN SWISHER, Figure and Port.P. Born Gypsum, Kansas, Oct. 2, 1888. Pupil of Harry M. Walcott, Chicago, and JeanPaul Laurens, Paris. Studied at AIC, Julian Academy, Paris, and in Spain. Exhibited in Chicago and Paris. Represented in collections of E. B. Butler, Chicago, Senator Walsh of Montana, Howard Linn, Chicago, and others. Member of Chicago SA, Ind. SA, AC and AG. of Chicago.

LORADO TAFT, S., T., W., L. Born Elmwood, Ill., Apr. 29, 1860. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Dumont, Monnaissieux and Thomas. Member: NSS 1893, ANA 1909, NA 1911, Nat. Inst. AL; Chicago SA; SWA; Chicago Municipal AL; Mun.AC; AIA(cor), 1907. Chicago AC and AG. Awards: Designer's medal, Columbia Exp., Chicago, 1893; silver medal, Pan-Am. Exp. Buffalo, 1901; gold medal St. Louis Exp., 1904; Montgomery Ward Prize, AIC, 1906; silver medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915.

ELLA H. TANBERG, Figure, Landscp. and Port.P. Born Janesville, Wisconsin. Exhibited in AIC. Member of Chicago AC and A G.

H. O. TANNER, P. Born Pittsburgh, Pa June 21, 1859. Pupil of PAFA under Thomas Eakins; Laurens and Constant in Paris. Member: ANA, 1909; Paris SAP; Soc. Inter. de Peinture et Sculpture; AC and AG of Chicago. Awards: Hon. mention, Paris Salon, 1896; third class medal, Paris Salon, 1897; Lippincott prize, PAFA, 1900; silver medal, Paris Exp., 1900; silver medal, Pan-Am.Exp. Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; second class medal 1906; gold medal, P.P. Exp., San F., 1915; Specialty biblical subjects.

EMORY W. TODD, Designer and Silversmith. Member of Chicago A.G.

GEO. H. TRAUTMANN, Coppersmith, Designer, Glass worker, Iron worker, Leaded glass worker, Metal worker and silversmith. Member: Chicago AC and AG. Awards: 1914, Mun.AL.Prize for lamps and fixtures. 1915, P.P. Inter. Exp., Hon.Men. for lamps. 1915 and 1916, Fine Arts Bldg. Prize for copper lamps.

ELIZABETH TRUMAN, Illuminator. Member of Chicago AG and AC.

CAROLYN D. TYLER, Min.P. Born Chicago. Pupil of AIC under Mrs. Virginia Reynolds. Member: Chicago SA; ASL; Chicago WCC; Chicago S.Min.P., Chicago AC and AG.

WALTER UFER, Ldscp., Port., figure and Indian P. and Painter of the Great Southwest. Born Louisville, Ky. Studied: Royal Academy, Dresden, under Walter Thor in Munich, in Chicago AIC and in Paris and Italy. Represented in collections of AIC, ULC, and many private collections. Awards: Martin B. Cahn prize, Chicago, 1916; lst Frank G. Logan medal and $500, Chicago, 1917. Member Chicago AC, AG, PCC, SA, and Salmagundi Club.

A. H. ULLRICH, Figure and Ldscp.P. Born Berlin, Germany. Pupil of AIC, Charles E. Boutwood, Frank Duvernech and Gari Melchen. Studied at AIC, Paris, Rome and Munich. Exhibited in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, New York, and Buffalo. Member of Chicago SA, Amer. Club, Munich, Chicago P.&C. Club and AC.

MATILDA VANDERPOEL, P., T., Member Chicago WCC, AC and AG.

KATE K. VAN DUZEE, Ldscp. P., Basket Maker, Decorator of Plaster and cement. Pupil of J. A. S. Monks, Charles Woodbury, Arthur Dow and John Johannsen. Studied at Ogunquit, Maine, Ipswich, Mass., and Saugatuck, Michigan. Exhibited in St. Paul Inst. Member Chicago AG.

LESTER H. VAUGHAN, Metal worker. Born Taunton, Mass., Nov. 6, 1889. Member of BSAC, and Chicago AG.

ENOCH VOGNILD, Ldscp. P. Born Chicago, Ill., April 8, 1880. Pupil of AIC under Johansen and Vanderpoel; Woodbury; Julian and Delecluse Academies in Paris. Represented in collections of Prominent Chicagoans and various homes throughout U. S. Member of ASL of Chicago, The Round Table, Ind. S.A., Chicago AC and AG.

ELLA R. WAITE, P. Member Chicago AC and AG.

F. E. WALRATH, Potter. Born 1871. Pupil of C. F. Binns, Alfred, N. Y. Exhibited at AIC, NSC, BSAC. Represented in collections of State College, Iowa, and Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. Member: NSC, BSAC, Chicago AG. Awards: Bronze medal St. Louis 1904. Hon. Mention AG, Chicago.

FRED C. WALTON, P. and Decorator. Born Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied School of Design of Cincinnati, AIC and Abroad. Member of Chicago AG and AC.

FRANK A. WERNER, Port. P. Studied Abroad. Member Chicago AC and AG. Chicago CDC. Chicago SA

CARL N. WERNTZ, C.D. Figure, Flower, Ldscp., Port. P., Indian Life and Marine P., I. T. W. Born Sterling, ILL. Pupil of J. H. Vanderpoel, Frederick Freer, Orson Lowell, Lawton Parker in U.S., 5eiti Mizuno and Kaho Kawikita, Japan, and others. Exhibited in U.S. and abroad. Member of Chicago AC, AG, P & CC, AAA, Am. Fed.A. and West. D & MTA.

MARY M. WETMORE, Figure, Flower, Ldscp., Port., and Still Life P., T. Born Canfield, Ohio. Pupil of Wm. M. Chase, Kenyon Cox, Irving Wiles, New York, Benjamin Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, in Paris. Studied at Cleveland School of Art, ASL of N. Y., Philadelphia Design School, Julian Academy and Colorossi, Paris. Exhibited in Paris Salon, PAFA, and in N. Y., AIC. Member of AAA, Paris, SWP & S, New York, Chicago SA, AC and AG.

IONE WHEELER, Ceramic worker and decorator of China, Instructor. Born Illinois. Pupil of E. Beachy, A. A. Greene, B. Bennett, A. Gunther, and R. H. Johonnat. Director of Art at Rockford College 1910, 1911, 1912. Faculty Inst. Convent of the Sacred Heart, Lake Forest, Ill. Exhibited AIC, P.-P.Exp., Nebraska Art Ass., General Fed. of Women's Clubs at Springfield, Ill. Represented in collection of Minn. State Col., Lincoln, Neb., University. Member of Chicago AG. and Cerm. A.A. Awards: AIC, special prize for Lustre collection; Ill. State Fair, 1913, Fine Arts Building prize, 1917, for lustre collection.

E. C. WHITE, Textiles. Master Craftsman. Member: BSAC, Chicago AG. and Am. Fed.A.

WM. G. WHITFORD, Potter. Member of Chicago AG.

ARTHUR WILLIAMS, Metal worker, Master Craftsman. Member BSAC and Chicago AG.

BEVERLY WILLIAMS, Plastic Worker. Member of Chicago AG.

JAMES H. WINN, Carver, Chaser, Coppersmith, Designer, Jeweler, Metal worker, Modeler, Silversmith, W. and Jewel Expert. Born, Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 10, 1866. Studied sculpture and painting at AIC. Exhibited at AIC, Woman's Conservation Exh., Knoxville, Tenn., Am. Fed. of A., Washington, D. C., Minn. S.A.S., BAC. Member of Chicago AG., Chicago SA, Am. Fed. of Arts, BACS., Chicago CDC. Awards: Arthur Heun Prize, AIC. First prize and gold medal, Woman's Conservation Exh., Knoxville, Tenn.

JOHN S. WITTRUP, Ldscp.P. Member of Chicago AG.

KATHERINE WOLCOTT, Min.P., S. Born, Chicago, 1880. Pupil of AIC. ASL of N. Y., Constant and Rodin in Paris. Member: Chicago SA, AG and AC.

CORICE WOODRUFF, Modeler. Member Artists' Guild of Chicago.  N.S.A.C.N.Y.

JOHN B. WOODRUFF, P. and I. Member AG and AC of Chicago. B.S.A.C.

ELLSWORTH WOODWARD, Maker of Newcomb Pottery. Master Craftsman. Member BSAC and Chicago AG.

CHRISTINE WOOLLETT, Decorator and Designer. Member BSAC and Chicago AG.

JOHN L. WRIGHT, Wood Worker. Member Chicago AG.

A. L. YAKIBUIK, Beadworker, Carver, Cabinet Maker, Coppersmith, Designer, Jeweler and Silversmith. Inlaid work a specialty. Born Riczka, Kossow Co., Eastern Galicia, Austria-Hungary, October 15, 1879. Pupil of Ukrainian Huculian Arts Works. Exhibited at (Lwow) Lemberg, Austria. Member: Society of Arts, Ukrainian in Lemberg. Awards: First Prize for inlaying and silversmithing, Ukrainian Huculian Arts Exhibition, Stryj, Austria-Hungary, May, 1908. Second Prize for same work at Lemberg, Austria-Hungary, May, 1909. Member: AG of Chicago.

EMIL R. ZETTLER, S. Born in Chicago. Studied AIC., Royal Academy, Berlin, and Julian Academy, Paris. Awards: Hon. mention AIC 1912; Bronze medal, P.-P. Exp. San F., 1915; medal CSA, 1915; Potter Palmer gold medal AIC, 1916. Sculptor member Chicago M.A.C., AG and AC of Chicago.

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landscape painter


miniature painter

Mural P.

mural painter


portrait painter








AA of AIC.-Alumni Association Art Institute, Chicago.

A.D.-Academy of Design.

AA-Art Alliance.

Allied AA.-Allied Artists of America.

Am.Acad.A.L.-American Academy of Arts and Letters.

ACS.-American Ceramic Society.

AAS-American Art Society, Philadelphia.

A.C.-Art Clan, Toledo, Ohio

AFAS-American Fine Arts Society, New York.

A.Fed.A.-American Federation of Arts, Washington, D. C.

AIC-Art Institute of Chicago.

ANA-Associate National Academy of Design, New York.

A.S.Min.P.-American Society of Miniature Painters, New York.

ASL of N.Y.-Art Students' League of New York.

AWCS-American Water Color Society, New York.

AFA of AIC-Art Fellowship Association of Art Institute of Chicago.

Boston AC-Boston Art Club.

B.S.A.C.-Boston Society of Arts and Crafts.

Boston GA-Boston Guild of Artists.

Boston WCC-Boston Water Color Club.

Boston SWCP-Boston Society of Water Color Painters.

Boston M. of F. A.-Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Buffalo SA-Buffalo Society of Artists.

Buffalo G. of AA.-Buffalo Guild of Allied Arts.

CC.-City Club.

Ca1.AC.-California Art Club.

Ca1.SE.-California Society of Etchers.

C of C.-City of Chicago Collection.

Chicago AG-Chicago Artists Guild.

Chicago AC-The Arts Club of Chicago.

CASL.-Chicago Art Students League.

Chicago MAC-Municipal Art Collection.

Chicago SA-Chicago Society of Artists.

Chicago SAC-Chicago Society of Arts and Crafts.

Chicago SE-Chicago Society of Etchers.

Chicago S.Min.P.-Chicago Society of Miniature Painters.

Chicago WCC-Chicago Water Color Club.

Chicago CDC-Chicago Cliff Dwellers Club.

Chicago CC-Chicago College Club.

Chicago HAS-Chicago Household Arts Society.

Chicago PCC-Chicago Palette and Chisel Club.

Chicago AFA-Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.

Chicago CH-Chicago Court House.

Chicago Mun. AL-Municipal Art League of Chicago.

Cincinnati AC-Cincinnati Art Club.

D.S.A.C.-Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts.

FAC-Friendly Art Club.

F.A.S.-Fine Arts Society.

Fellowship PAFA-Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

Ind.SA-Independent Society of Artists.

Inter. Soc.A.L.-International Society of Arts and Letters.

London RA-London Royal Academy.

MNAS-Massachusetts Normal Art School.

Milwaukee SFAA-Milwaukee School of Fine and Applied Arts.

Munich R.A.-Munich Royal Academy.

Mural P.-National Society of Mural Painters, N. Y.

Nat. Inst. A.L.-National Institute of Arts and Letters.

N.S.A.C.N.Y.-National Society Arts and Crafts, New York

NAC-National Arts Club, New York.

NAD-National Academy of Design, New York.

NSC-National Society of Craftsmen,

N. Y. N.S.S.-Nat. Soc. Sculptors.

N.Y.SE-New York Society of Etchers.

NYWCC-New York Water Color Club.

NYSC-New York Society of Ceramic Art.

NSAA-Nottingham School of Applied Art.

NSMP-National Society of Mural Painters.

PAFA-Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia.

Pa.S.Min.P.-Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters.

Paris AAA-American Art Association of Paris.

Paris Women's AAA-Paris American Women's Art Association.

Paris SAP-Paris Society of American Painters.

P.C.C.-Palette and Chisel Club

P.B.C.-Pen and Brush Club

Phila. A and C-Philadelphia Arts and Crafts Guild.

Phila. S.D. for Women-Philadelphia School of Design for Women.

Phil. GAA-Philadelphia Guild of Applied Arts.

Phila. AC-Philadelphia Arts Club.

Phila. SA-Philadelphia Society of Artists.

Phila. Soc. A.L.-Philadelphia Society of Arts and Letters.

Phila. WCC-Philadelphia Water Color Club.

Players-Players Club, N. Y. S.

Port.P.-National Society of Portrait Painters, New York.

Sa1ma.C.-Salmagundi Club, New York.

SIA.-Society of Independent Artists. SWA-Society of Western Artists.

Soc. Women P.-Society of Women Painters.

Seattle FAA-Seattle Fine Arts Association.

Saugatuck SS of P.-Saugatuck Summer School of Painting.

T.S.R.A.C.-The Salvator Rosa Art Club, Naples

U.A.C.-United Arts Club, London

U.L.C.-Union League Club.

U.I.D.B.A.-Union Internationale Des Beaux Arts Et Des Lettres, Paris

W.I.A.C.-Woman's Inter. Art Club, London

W.D. and M.T. Teacher-Western Drawing and Manual Training Teachers Association.

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1917 George Trautmann ad

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1917 Lester Vaughan and Emery Todd ad

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1917 Christia Reade, Mabel Luther, and James Winn ad

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1917 Edmund Boker ad

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1917 Wilhelmina Coultas and Rose Sears Kerr ad

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1917 Robert Jarvie ad

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1917 Julius Randahl and Elizabeth Henson ad

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